Giant Schnauzer and the Degus....

by G. Gallant
(Vancouver, Canada)

I've got a 2 and a half year old male Giant Schnauzer and we just bought 2 Degus for Christmas. The Giant is quite vocal around the two Degus.
If you aren't familiar with Degus, they are related to Chinchillas and look like a big mouse with a long tail. They are caged.
Is there any training we can do to alleviate the excitement level of our beloved Giant? He is constantly whining to get upstairs where the Degus are.

Any help would be great!

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Dec 23, 2011
Giant Schnauzers have strong prey drives!
by: Anonymous

Giants generally have a high prey drive. And something new in the home that moves quickly and makes squeaky sounds will getm their attention. Only thing I can suggest is keeping them in a different room or covering their cage(s) when the Giant is around. You say your Giant is very vocal -- exactly what does that mean? If he barks or howls, then he may adjust after a time -- especially if you keep them in a room away from him or covered. If he's charging the cage(s), you may have so some real training issues. As I said, Giants have very strong prey drives and he probably sees these as prey so don't take any chances.

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