Food allergies, cookies and schnauzers

Hi, I would like to bake some cookies for my miniature schnauzer. He has skin allergies and I was told to stay away from products containing flour and his condition has improved since.
Since cookies recipe often include flour, I am wondering what can be used to substitute and what other ingredients should I stay away when baking. Thank you.


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Aug 01, 2011
Food allergies, cookies and schnauzers
by: Anonymous

My schauzer also has skin issues. I have found that the Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Fish cookies do best because they have no wheat or grains in them.

Good luck!

Jul 31, 2011
by: Cindi

Your local health food store can help you with this. They make flour out of almost everything. There is plenty of good stuff out there. You may even want to try it yourself!

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