First family vacation away from home

by Astrid
(San Juan)

We are leaving for a family vacation for 2 weeks. We own a 9 month old mini schnauzer that has become very attached to us and we have become very attached to him. We are leaving home and need to decide what is our best choice:
Leave him at home with someone to feed him, walk him and take care of his potty outings, but mostly alone during the day OR
Leave him at a boarding home with other dogs.
He is an intact male!
He has no behavior problems so far. In our daily lives he is not alone for more than 2-3 hours at a time.

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Jul 27, 2011
home alone. Or not?
by: Anonymous

I say Not also. We have two mini Schnauzers A male and female. A few years ago we had a death in the family and i Ask the lady across the street to come love my babies while i was away for three days. My dogs had always loved her. Well To make a long story short. Now every time our little male sees a suitcase he starts chewing himself and no amount of comforting him will make him stop. he becomes a nervous wreck. Yes he is spoiled rotten. and I only left him that one time. I will never leave him again. But I cant make him believe it! Some ppl will tell you that they dont remember things.. Well let me assure you THEY remember everything.

Jun 06, 2011
Home all alone!
by: Anonymous

I would say not to leave him home alone!!!!!! A boarding facility or taking him with you would be my ONLY option!!!!! I wouldnt even leave mine alone for 2 days let alone 2 weeks. You can also check with your vets office they sometimes board or may have a good referral! Good luck!

Jun 06, 2011
Home Alone !
by: Anonymous

Oh I am so sad at reading this.. leaving a little puppy at Home ALONE is absolutely cruel, especially if he is so tied to you.. Have you no family that he knows and that he could stay with whilst you are away... he will be very unhappy and will develop a lot of PROBLEMS IF YOU LEAVE HIM FOR A STRANGER TO COME IN TO FEED HIM AND WALK HIM.
Have you contacted the breeder and see if she will look after him for the period you are away.. I know my breeder would.. but I'm in the UK. Wouldn't it be nice for him to come with you and enjoy being on holiday too... Why did you buy a puppy if you had the intention of going on holiday ? Puppies need company and need to be taught stuff whilst they are growing up.. I always make sure that my dogs are accepted otherwise I don't go to that hotel.. I find a Dog Friendly one..

Jun 06, 2011
don't leave him at home
by: Anonymous

This is a no brainer A little active dog would be devistated (sp) in my opinion if he was alone for that much time. First thing to do find a good highly recommended boarding facility. And, if you still have time, take him there for a visit and; most recommend an overnight stay so that he will not be so confused when he goes there for 2 weeks.
Our neighbors have a little maltese. When he was about 8 months old, they had an emergency and asked that I look in on him 3 times a day. I began with 4 visits per day (Feed, play and walk him). They had never left him before and thought it would be OK since they both work (do come home at noon to let him out). Well, by the end of the first day and night, he was becoming hyper. He was so anxious I finally took him back to our house for most of the remaining day. Please don't leave him at the house.

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