Feeding a 15-Pound Miniature Schnauzer

by Dior

I recently had a new addition "Dior" added to the family. He is a 15 to 16 pound miniature schnauzer that I love dearly, and concerned about him having a proper diet.
The dog food directions state to feed your dog approximately a cup of dry food twice a day, but while inquiring on the most healthiest diet I'm hearing half a cup twice a day all over the net and from some vets.
Sooooo someone please tell me what's best, following the manufacturers, instructions and give him a full cup twice a day or go with what people say is more healthy and give him half a cup twice a day.. Thanks in advance for all your responses !!!!!

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May 04, 2019
16 lbs
by: oscar

I feed my schnauzer 1/3 cup in the morning and 1/3 cup afternoon a 1/4 in the evening so he gets approx 3/4 cup of food each day but walks allot 1 mile in the morning and 1/2 in the afternoon he stays about 16 lbs and the vet said that should be able to feel his ribs and see his waist behind the ribs if not you are feeding too much very few treats and then usually frozen blue berries like 3 or 4 and maybe a few natural treat a couple times during the week.

May 09, 2016
feeding my mini 16 pound mini schnauzeer
by: Anonymous

I have a 16 pound 3 year old mini schnauzer
I give him 1/4 cup of Pacifica Acana Kibble and mix in 1/2 cup of : 2 tablespoons of bison or white chicken or salmon 1 table spoon of green beans, 1 tablespoon squash, 1 tsp flax seed,
1/4 tsp fish oil mix well with water

Mar 13, 2012
I have a 8 week Mini Schnauzer...
by: Chris TJ

Hello!, i need to know what about the puppies?...i know that puppies should eat about 3 or 4 times a days, and not 2 like grownup schnauzer,so my question is, how many cups should i feed my puppy?...is it the same "half a cup"?...but 3 times?...or is it just 1/3 cup 3 times a day?....thank you in advance!...

Saludos desde Tijuana, Mexico (greetings from Tijuana,Mexico)

Jan 06, 2012
by: Anonymous

I give my 5 yr old mini a half a cup twice a day! He gets one half in the am and the other half in the pm. This seems to keep his weight on track and I walk him when I can! Good luck!

Jan 03, 2012
a cup of food?
by: Lucy Valentine

I give my Miniature 1/4 a cup of dry food (Origins Brand) and a heaping table spoon of wet food mixed in. (Turkey and Chicken)

She eats frozen green beans, Chicken breast Jerky and Sweet potato snacks throughout the day. Not to mention a quarter of a bully stick here and there.

My Lucy is only 10 pounds is only 1. This seems to suit her well. She'an amazing furball.

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