Evie Mini schnauzer eye issue

by mona searles
(Portland Oregon )

My 1 1/2 yr female has unilateral eye matting, sometimes excessive clump will accumulate, grayish drying dark (dog is black). Vet prescribed neomycin polymyxin dexamethasone ophthalmic suspension. Fluoscene cornea test negative, no foreign bodies, eye normal, vision seems normal, No lid inflammation or conjunctival redness. Eye lashes appear normal. I've been cleaning it daily with warm water. Started about 6 months ago no known trauma. No sneezing, though makes snooty sounds when playing. Any suggestions?

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Aug 05, 2022
by: Linda

Sorry to hear your girl has an eye issue, Evie.
We are not vets and it is interesting that it is only in one eye and not both.
There can be a number of reasons for conjunctivitis/eye infections/ matting, including genetic, allergies, 'dry eye' and tear duct problems.
you are doing the correct thing cleaning it daily, you can also use a weak saline solution.
The vet is treating the symptoms, rather than the cause.
If the condition persists, I'd try to get to the bottom of it. You don't want her on permanent medication unless it's absolutely necessary. After the current course of medication, I'd try cleaning in a weak saline solution daily and see if that is as good as the medication - and speak to your vet about the CAUSE.
If you can treat the cause, you can cure the problem.
Good luck,

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