Elton hates me after I gently spanked him- what to do?

Hey there,

Im at a loss - hence writing to your website.

My girlfriend and I split up for a few months and while apart from each other she bought herself a miniature schnauzer.

At first Elton (the schnauzer), Myself, And Brodie (my boxer) were all getting along great!

One day I opened the door to the garage to go grab a tool & Elton BOLTED from under my legs and took off down the street. When I finally caught up to him a few houses down I had to literally lunge at him to get ahold of him in terror that he might run into the street.

When we got back to the house I spanked him twice with the tips of my fingers on his back leg and tossed him back through the door.

Ever since then the dog is TERRIFIED of me. He sits in the corner and shakes and quakes and looks at me like I'm going to kill him.

Its been TWO WEEKS since I spanked him!!!

When his mom comes home he returns to normal, but he still keeps his distance from me.

I've tried everything from lots of love and affection to treats - nothing seems to get this dog back to the way he was.

I've talked to his mom a lot about it and she told me that she's spanked him more than 30 or 40 times in his life for all the things hes destroyed or terror he's caused with other matters.

Why when I spank him ONCE (and not even with my palm) he has regarded me as a tyrant and is no longer himself when we are alone.

It's driving me crazy and am afraid that it could cost him a home to live in. I can't have a timid little dog cowing in the corner in my house - its just not ok.

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Aug 08, 2012
hitting Elton
by: Appalled in Denver

P.S. You said you talked to Elton's 'MOM' and she also has a history of hitting him.

Please find a good home for that poor little dog before it's too late - he is not one whit better off than he was before. He probably THOUGHT he was until you came back into the picture - but he was sadly mistaken. :(

Aug 08, 2012
by: Appalled in Denver

You have GOT to be kidding! Cost ELTON a home??? YOU should be the one to leave! Your girlfriend would be better off without you, and CERTAINLY Elton would be happier!

No pet should ever be "Hit." Yes, I said 'hit.' The word 'Spank' is simply a euphemism for 'Hit.'

You also used another euphemism when you stated that you "Tossed" Elton back through the door. What you actually did was to 'throw' him back through the door.

Had you truly been scared for that poor, sad little dog you would have been so happy to get him back you would have hugged, kissed and praised him.

I submit that you were ANNOYED with him for putting you to the trouble of having to run after him.

I further submit that a since you haven't a clue as to how to care for a pet you don't deserve to have one...especially one who is obviously as smart as Elton and won't come near you.

I wonder if under similar circumstances you would have reacted the same had Elton been your girlfriend...or your child.
Think about it....

Apr 22, 2012
Positive training instead
by: Anonymous

By hitting your dog when it returned, you taught it not to return when you call it home.

If this happens again, forget punishing.
Call it back in your happiest, most animated way.

Dogs go where the party is, so make being with you appear more fun that being out the door.

Dogs live in the moment and don't understand punishing like people do.

Always make your dog feel safe with you and let it know very time it comes to you, it will only get praise and love.

Apr 12, 2012
by: Anonymous


Come on - dog runs away and gets spanked. You guys act like He got put on a stick and hung him over a fire for the fun of it.

Mar 26, 2012
Frightened Schnauzer
by: Michele

The only reason he is timid and cowers in the corner is because of what happened.... he thinks you hate him and to say you cannot have a dog that is timid.
Schnauzers have feelings and he is upset...

Mar 25, 2012
the dog doesn't realize you were scared
by: Betsy, alpharetta, ga

I hope anyone reading this will realize that such an act can do a great deal of harm to the love and trust your animal gives you.
The little dog has now idea that you were scared for his well being. He just knows that you terrified him and struck him.
If possible, try to feed him his meals. And, gently place him next to you for cuddling from time to time. This might begin to bring back his trust.

Mar 23, 2012
Spanking Elton
by: Michele

Of course he will be terrified of you .. spanking him and then throwing him inside... you may have been scared that he'd run into the street and get run over... but there was no need to spank him on the back of his legs.. how would you like it.. Sorry to be rather direct.. you probably love him to bits, but he may not think so... tempt him with treats.. chicken works wonders, but NO BONES, and gain his confidence.. say sorry to him and tell him you didn't mean to hurt him, speak gently to him and tell him you love him.. he will understand as Schnauzers are very intelligent... stroke him and play with his ears .. gently... He will gradually come round..

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