Elsa on heat

My 2 year old female miniature schnauzer is on heat and teases the 5 year old male. She will stand for him but as soon as he is ready she will turn around or lay down. Is there anything I can do to help?

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Aug 03, 2019
gemale on heat
by: Linda

You don't say if your male is neutered or not. But when a female is on heat, she WANTS to mate with any male. It's her hormones.
Long term for the two to live happily together it would be wise to consider spaying Elsa, unless she is a show dog or she is fully health tested and you intend to breed from her.

If there is a reason you do not want to have her spayed, then consider separating the two while she is on heat every 6-9 months for about three weeks - not easy!

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