Drastic teeth cleaning for schnauzer

by Renee

I have an almost 5 year old mini that is a rescue dog. I love him to pieces! He did not have a great upbringing until I got him and was never really given toys or bones and doesn't like them. Ive had him for 1 1/2 years and my vet says his teeth are really bad and that he needs a cleaning. The money is not the issue but Im so scared to do it since he has to be put under.
Any comments would be greatly appreciated! I want to do it for his health but I would never forgive myself if something went wrong.


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Jan 25, 2012
by: Anonymous

Thank you for the comments! I really do trust my vet! I love him and he looked and my mini's back teeth are so bad that he can flick the tarter off of them. :( We dont think he had any bones for the first 3 years of his life...poor boy! The vet said he would need to put him under since its also his back teeth and they are so bad, His breath is horrible and he is barely turning 5. UGH...so nervous!

Jan 25, 2012
Cleaning teeth
by: Michele

Teeth are important to dogs.. not having them cleaned.. I agree with George.. you should check with your vet first to see if he needs to be put under..maybe a gentle scaling without an anesthetic will be enough... I personally have never had my Schnauzers to the vet for their teeth cleaning, as they get the chews that clean teeth.. Dentastix.. unless of course there has been a problem, which in my boys cases there hasn't been.. I only had to have my Yorkies teeth done at the vet, as they were very feisty boys, spitting out the toothpaste, and I did not want to loose a finger.. but all in all Chews should be enough to clean his teeth..hope this helps as you would not want him to have a sore gums and off his food because he was in pain....

Jan 25, 2012
Are you suie?
by: George

Hi there,
Are you sure that the vet needs to put him under to clean his teeth?
Is there nothing he can do to clean them without knocking him out?
What would happen if he didn't have his teeth cleaned?
I think I would check all the details before I agreed to have it done.
Good luck.

Jan 24, 2012
Teeth cleaning by your vet...
by: Michele

Your Schnauzer's teeth are important and if they need cleaning, which you say they do.. firstly.. Do you trust your vet and is he in for the money or the welfare of the dog.. mine is for the welfare of the dog.. and I trust him.. Nowadays the injections used are very safe and your vet will not put him under completely.. it will be just enough to do his teeth and probably clean his ears and his anal glands.. this is what my vet does... he will check his health first and see if he has any heart problems... he will give him a pre-medication to make him sleepy.. usually I stay with mine, then when he is practically asleep but awake, your vet will then give him the injection together with a antibiotic and a pain killer.. usually you are able to collect your dog at about 5.0. pm that evening, depending on when he has had his teeth cleaned.. don't worry he'll be fine.. especially if you trust your vet and you have faith in him.... I clean Rebel's with dog toothpaste..and scale them, but have been doing it since he was a puppy..

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