Dragging himself across the carpet

by Ray
(San Antonio)

We have a three-year-old, well socialized Miniature Schnauzer. He flattens himself on the carpet and drags himself. What does this mean...?

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May 17, 2012
Dragging across carpet....
by: Michele

Well, I'm not really sure .. he maybe just stretching himself ..or he has an itch under his tummy and the only way to get to it is the way you describe... If he had worms he would be sat and be rubbing his " bum " across the carpet... If he is doing this on a regular basis I would be inclined to check him out at your vet, as he may be making his tummy sore especially if you have a carpet that is static...I'm sure he is fine, and just being playful... My Rebel is also 3 years .. 4 on June 23rd, but has never done this .. he does sleep with his back legs stretched out behind him, though...I agree the BEST breed ever and every one has their own character..

May 16, 2012
scooting across floor
by: Anonymous

you apparently just got him groomed but

the main cause is his anal glands are

irritated need to take to the vet and

have them expunged

May 16, 2012
scooting across floor
by: Anonymous

you apparently just got him groomed but

the main cause is his anal glands are

irritated need to take to the vet and

have them explunged

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