
our 3 month old standard schnauzer pees excessively sometimes every 3-4 muinutes, 3 times in a 10 minute period. this happens quite often. we take him outside every hour and he will his thing outside like a normal pup. we feed him a well balanced diet for pups. brand is "simply nourish" sweet potato and salmon recipe. buddy is very active and smart, he gets lots of exercise.
what are we doing wrong

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May 25, 2015
Puppy peeing
by: Donald

Problem almost resolved, we did talk to the breeder about this, and his reply was that the pups were all inside the house and he let them pee when he was not there? To make a long story short we were very consistent with regular trips outside,( 1 accident in 2 days). Buddy is coming along fine, he is happy, active, loves walks, is very playful and loves to please his people. He had his first vet check last week and was very well behaved. We thought he would be a terror as we have discovered a standard schnauzer can be a hand full if they become bored or excited. After having miniature schnauzers for about 27 years, we have discovered how different they really are. I have a feeling that Buddy will know us better than we know him. One more thing, he loves to show off, its so funny!

May 19, 2015
not sure
by: Linda and Max

young puppies do urinate a lot, although we are not sure if so often is normal.
you don't sound like you are doing anything wrong.
first thing to do is ring the breeder and speak to her about it.
If she thinks it is not normal, then go and see your vet and if there is a serious health issue with your pup, you should be able to return the pup to the breeder -however heartbreaking this may be, it is better than a lifetime of worry.
It is probably just a case of a puppy peeing a lot.

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