Dog won't go in backyard and will go poop inside.

by Lisa
(San Diego, California)

I have a 5 year old Schnauzer. I have had him since he was a puppy. I can't get him to stop going to the bathroom in the house, mostly poop. The peeing has stopped for the most part. We have a doggy door. In the mornings he does not rush outside, I have to coax him out there. He will go pee and then come inside and go poop! I have put a gate on the stairs preventing him from going up there since that is where he liked to go poop. I take him for a walk every evening and he relieves himself. He used to run out into the backyard before we moved, now he won't.

I am desperate!

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Jan 19, 2015
try more walks
by: Linda and Max

We are no behaviousirst, but I would change your routine.
I think you should take him out for a walk either as soon as you get up or as soon as he has eaten his first meal of the day. He sounds like he may have got a bit lazy and bored withv ther housetraining.
Get him into the habit of 2 regular walks a day - after his meals if you can and I am sure he will improve.
Let us know how you get on.

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