Daisy not comfortable

by Rich from NH

My 8 year old Mini-Schnauzer (Daisy) has been laying in the same spot for a week or two. Her appetite has stayed the same. She has been treated for allergies and had a stone removed about 6 years ago. She also is licking her privates a little bit more than usual and she seems very gassy. We have her anal glands done every 2 or 3 weeks. Any thoughts on why she suddenly is laying on the floor instead of on the couch with us?

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Jun 12, 2013
Mini not comfortable
by: Toni

By the way, you have her anal glands done every 2-3 weeks? My goodness, that is too often! She may be uncomfortable because of that! My groomer emptied my mini's anal glands and she was miserable for a week.
I decided to let the vet take care of that, once a year. Unless your mini has constant diarrhea, or scoots her/his butt across the floor, why would you do the anal glands that often? The glands take care of themselves most of the time in a healthy dog.
The vet explained to me that it is not unusual for the dog to be uncomfortable for a couple days when their anal glands are emptied. Please check with your vet about this.
I think you may be irritating the anal glands by too frequently squeezing them to empty them.

Jun 09, 2013
Daisy not comfortable
by: Toni

Have you recently had her vaccinated for anything? My Mini did that last year when they gave her the 4-in-one shot and also a rabies shot. She was not herself for 3 months. This is too much for a mini, and this year I will take her twice to break up the shots. I am also campaigning against TRIFEXIS, which has killed my friend's dog, so if your mini had a Trifexis shot, I would get her to the vet for evaluation. And, if she is licking her privates, she may have a UTI. I took my mini to the vet twice last summer for a UTI and antibiotics, and now I give her doggie cranberry bits (from a doggie product outlet on-line). She hasn't had a UTI since last summer and I attribute it to the doggie cranberry (don't give human cranberry as it has sugar in it). Your mini is obviously not well, and if she were mine, I would get her to a vet. They are too precious to let them live in pain, and if they die, you will feel terrible for not getting help. My mini used to ride in a doggie car seat that was vinyl. I discovered this is not good for females because of the heat and bacteria, so I put a bath rug in the doggie seat so her bottom can "breathe" when she rides in the summer heat for a couple hours (which she loves). All these things keep our minis healthy, and they are our babies!

Jun 09, 2013
Daisy not comfortable
by: Toni

Have you recently had her vaccinated for anything? My Mini did that last year when they gave her the 4-in-one shot and also a rabies shot. She was not herself for 3 months. This is too much for a mini, and this year I will take her twice to break up the shots. I am also campaigning against TRIFEXIS, which has killed my friend's dog, so if your mini had a Trifexis shot, I would get her to the vet for evaluation. And, if she is licking her privates, she may have a UTI. I took my mini to the vet twice last summer for a UTI and antibiotics, and now I give her doggie cranberry bits (from a doggie product outlet on-line). She hasn't had a UTI since last summer and I attribute it to the doggie cranberry (don't give human cranberry as it has sugar in it). Your mini is obviously not well, and if she were mine, I would get her to a vet. They are too precious to let them live in pain, and if they die, you will feel terrible for not getting help. My mini used to ride in a doggie car seat that was vinyl. I discovered this is not good for females because of the heat and bacteria, so I put a bath rug in the doggie seat so her bottom can "breathe" when she rides in the summer heat for a couple hours (which she loves). All these things keep our minis healthy, and they are our babies!

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