crusty schnauzer bumps

by mary
(rock falls,il)

My 4 year old mini schnauzer got groomed and a day later she has crusty bumps all over her back.
She went to a new groomer.
At the same time, my 1 year old also got groomed and she is fine.
I have given her a bath, that didn't help.
What could it be??

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Jan 15, 2012
What can I do to help with bumps?
by: katies mama

I first noticed Katies bumps after she came back from the groomer. I thought the groomer was careless. I have not gone back to that groomer. She was 2 then. It has now been a year and she has continus breakouts.....I bathe her in oatmeal shampoo. How can I help her with this condition

Jan 11, 2012
by: Clilly

One of my schnauzers also had a problem with crusty bumps on her back that oozed and became smelly. Within days after changing her diet, her skin began to improve. She is fine now. I eliminated corn from her diet by switching to a Van Patten's limited ingredient diet which contains no corn or sugar. Bumps are gone.

Jan 10, 2012
comedone syndrome
by: Betsy, alpharetta, ag

Are you familiar with Comedone Syndrome, also called schnauzer bumps? It is primarily a problem of schnauzers and some occasionally get outbreaks along the spine area of little bumps. There is no cure,and is an annoying condition but, readings will give you some suggestions as to how to treat and help with prevention of outbreaks. As the bumps dry up they sometimes become crusty. Or, your groomer's clippers may have opened some of them up and they are now crusting over.

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