Cant jump and isnt as active as normal

by Brian
(Atlanta, GA USA)

my 6yr old mini schnauzer cantjump on the bed or couch as normal and isn't as active as normal. what should I do?

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Minis often stay active until much later lin life - Max is 9 now, but is just finding it a bit more of an effort to jump into the car. With yours, it could be natural, slight ageing or a joint problem. Keep an eye on him and his joints. Try adding an Omega 3 supoplement to his daily diet, good for joints.
PS Glad to see he hasn't given up driving!

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Jul 30, 2014
Not active any more..
by: Michele

I have two minis.. Rebel who is 6 now and Benji who is two..
Rambo is 11 but he is an Australian Silky.. Rebel still loves chasing Benji and he also jumps over his agility fences in my garden.. as does Rambo and of course Benji too..
I hope you are able to find out what's wrong.. maybe a vet visit and an MOT will put your mind at rest..
I feed my boys on Nature Diet and have had no problems with joints..
Brian, do you know Betsy and Fred Williams, as they also live in Atlanta.. their mini is called Spiffy.. maybe you don't as I guess Atlanta covers a huge area…I live in the UK..

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