Can I Feed Jack Our Food?

by Miriam
(Colorado Springs, USA)

Jack is a miniature. He has a wonderful personality and is very loving. He is just too cute for words. He is 4 years old.
Max, I would like to know if it is alright to feed Jack table food every evening. The amount is the size of a children's portion.
I have had several very healthy dogs and they got the occacional treats, but Jack gets table food every night and two snacks a day.
I feel that in time it will be a bad thing for him but since my hubby doesn't see him having problems now he isn't concerned.I am the type of person that will always do what is best for someone and not be concerned about what I want.
I hope you can help us.

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Jul 01, 2010
by: Anonymous

Schnauzers are prone to pancreatitus and table food, especially the wrong food is very harmful for you furry friend. I recommend you contact Dr. Clemmons at the University of Florida and get a people food recipe you can make for him. You may think you are doing the right thing when in the long run you may be causing him great harm.

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