
by Gwen Richardson

On holiday in cottage at the lakes

On holiday in cottage at the lakes

Buddy is 3 years old and a pure joy to have around. They are so intelligent, I can name most of his toys, to which he has many and he will go and get any one which I have asked him to get. So loving and always brings you a toy (present is what we ask for) when we come in. Loves the car and goes almost everywhere with us.

You may not believe this, but Max is the same and when I say "Fetch your elephant" he fetches his little grey elephant toy!
Just shows how intelligent schnauzers are - when they can tell the difference between an elephant and a reindeer (his other favourite toy!)

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Oct 14, 2012
by: Michele

Yes we are intelligent .. I'm BENJI and 6 months
I too carry my favourite toys around..
Mummy says to bring my squeaky ball and I do
I also know my Racoon and being that one
inside when asked. I like to run round with
it first though for fun. Buddy is lovely..

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