Black mini schnauzer turning white?

Hello I own a black mini schnauzer. He is almost 2 I have noticed over the last few months his coat is turning a silver/platinum color.
I was just wondering if this is normal or not and if he eventually will turn all white?
The color change started on his paws, now it has crept up his legs. His beard right under his mouth is white and now his belly

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Apr 24, 2014
Black mini schnauzer
by: Anonymous

My black schnauzer is 4 and is still jet black but I strip her coat as opposed to clipping her

May 22, 2013
Like mine
by: M🚬

why this lol dog looks like mine my parents made me give away in March

Nov 28, 2011
Black changing color
by: Anonymous

Hi Yes,

I have a 2 year old black and have noticed this year a lot of platinim appearing between his coat.He too started at is paws, particularly underneath which are almost totaly silver
A dog which is clipped like my boy will loose his rich black color sooner than a show dog which is plucked, which apparently retains more color.

May 13, 2011
They all do it...
by: Anonymous

All black schnauzers to this. I have a black schnauzer that will be 9 in August. By the time they are two they are turning gray/silver and it is more pronounced each year. Still the best looking dog ever! :)

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