Big attitude, needs so much attention - any advice?

by Tara
(Jacksonville, Fl)

Wolfie is our 3 year old mini schnauzer, and we also have a 2 year old yorkiepoo.
Lately Wolfie has craved so much attention, and insists he gets it- very vocal and all over us. We are usually at home, walk them in the morning and night and play in the afternoons.
I think he thinks he is a person like us, and the little dog is our pet. Any training ideas?

In the morning he gets up from the crate and needs to snuggle us, and same at night. All day he is "talking to us" and wants us to give more attention.
This is getting to be too much. He is acting very spoiled, and we are concerned because we have a baby on the way! If he hates when we play with the girl dog, I don't know what he will do with a new baby in the house!!

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Jan 06, 2012
Too much attitude
by: Michele

My advice to you is to fold your arms & turn away, ignoring him when he becomes over excited, barking etc. but DON'T crate'll make him worse.. use a baby gate and separate him from you,with his pal, in another room, but let him see you and when he behaves and does not bark praise him with his favourite treat.. usually a piece of cooked chicken.. to get him used to a new baby.. buy yourself a doll and let him get used to you attending to the doll & gradually he will accept the situation.. most of all BE PATIENT and do NOT ever SCOLD him.. Schnauzers have feelings and think they are Human.. they think like us.. my Rebel does, and he understands every word I say...On no account show any favouritism to your other dog as he'll pick up and be very upset, and may become worse. Treat them equally..cuddles and loves .. he will learn to accept that if he behaves he'll get a cuddle and when he's naughty he'll get ignored.. & he'll prefer the treat & cuddle..

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