Benji at Home...

by Michele

I love it here..

I love it here..

Benji has now settled in and Rambo will tolerate him, but if Benji gets too stroppy he'll tell him off.. Rebel takes all from Benji and comes back for more, but until Benji can get on the sofa, Rebel is out of reach when he wants a break from playtime!
A couple of photos of Benji.. one with his new toy from a friend in the USA..

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Jul 17, 2012
Benji.. my adorable puppy
by: Michele

Yes my Benji is so adorable.. and loving.. I also have a black & silver Schnauzer.. Rebel.. as well as an Australian Silky called Rambo.. so 3 in all.. I have managed to get a photo of all 3 looking away from my camera, but at least I've got all 3 of my boys.. so will post this one too.. He has so many toys, and loves the " little teddy " Betsy.. as you know..

Jul 17, 2012
Benji at home
by: Ann G

Benji is just adorable!

We have a four year old black and silver schnauzer named Charlie and we enjoy him every day, as I am sure you do with Benji.

Jul 11, 2012
Keep watch,, Benji
by: Betsy, Alpharetta

Benji, you sweet little puppy dog.

Rebel, just might decide to tease you and hide your toys when you are asleep.

Have fun

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