Beard itch

Our 15 year old has a constant beard itch and has had for about four years ..the vet can not find a cause and has done thorough testing.He does not offer a solution other than trying different shampoos..we advise the groomer and they use rolled oat shampoo ...She's still itchy.Is there another recommendation?
Thank you

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Sep 08, 2017
No More Itching...
by: PadrePooch

My mini used to rub her chin on her bed constantly. She had allergies as it turned out. I was advised to change her diet to NO GRAIN & NO BOVINE PRODUCTS. I switched her to a venison and sweet potato food and incorporated Dynovites powder and she has not had ANY ITCHING OR SCRATCHING since about 6 weeks after she started it. It has been 6 months now and she's still doing AWESOME!

Note from Linda and Max:

Nov 29, 2016
itchy beard
by: Linda and Max

Max has beard itch - but usually after he has eaten.
He also has allergies -does your dog have other allergies/skin issues?

If it is a skin issue, I would go back to your vet and ask for your dog to be put on Apoquel, which is brilliant for skin allergies/sensitivities.

Also, use stainless steel bowls, not plastic, and add Omega 3 to her diet, this all helps.

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