barking when on walks

How can I get my schnauzer to not bark at people while on our walks?

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Mar 24, 2014
Gilbert grandma
by: Anonymous

I have two mini schnauzers they both are barkers one is one the other is 4 years old .they communicate with people that way saying hi lol

Dec 23, 2013
Barking at people while walking
by: Toni

My Mini-Schnauzer sometimes does this. I tell her "shhhhhhsh - nice!" and pull her leash. I don't know why she does this to some people and not to others, but I never allow it without commenting to her. You don't say how old your dog is, or whether the dog was raised out in the country and walking in town is new to her. My dog was raised in the remote country and I moved to town when she was 2 years old. She barked at everything because it was all new to her. She especially doesn't like squirrels, cats, other dogs and small children, but with patience, she is getting better with other dogs and small children. She is now 3 1/2 and I think it is just familiarity and adjustment, along with training. I don't think my dog will ever like cats or squirrels, but she is getting to enjoy small children and is starting to play joyfully with them. She pulls a "bully status" with other dogs, then bumps noses and tries to be friends. Strangers on our walk is a funny thing. She ran right up to one strange man and jumped in his lap (as he sat on a park bench). Another man waiting at the bus stop tried to say hello to her and she backed up and actually started to growl. This is apparently a reaction to what she finds in the person individually. However, if your dog is young, and you let the dog know it is unacceptable to bark at passers-by when you say "shhhhsh" or something like that, the dog will eventually catch on. Repetition is the only way to train - and persistence.

Dec 23, 2013
Barking at people while walking
by: Toni

My Mini-Schnauzer sometimes does this. I tell her "shhhhhhsh - nice!" and pull her leash. I don't know why she does this to some people and not to others, but I never allow it without commenting to her. You don't say how old your dog is, or whether the dog was raised out in the country and walking in town is new to her. My dog was raised in the remote country and I moved to town when she was 2 years old. She barked at everything because it was all new to her. She especially doesn't like squirrels, cats, other dogs and small children, but with patience, she is getting better with other dogs and small children. She is now 3 1/2 and I think it is just familiarity and adjustment, along with training. I don't think my dog will ever like cats or squirrels, but she is getting to enjoy small children and is starting to play joyfully with them. She pulls a "bully status" with other dogs, then bumps noses and tries to be friends. Strangers on our walk is a funny thing. She ran right up to one strange man and jumped in his lap (as he sat on a park bench). Another man waiting at the bus stop tried to say hello to her and she backed up and actually started to growl. This is apparently a reaction to what she finds in the person individually. However, if your dog is young, and you let the dog know it is unacceptable to bark at passers-by when you say "shhhhsh" or something like that, the dog will eventually catch on. Repetition is the only way to train - and persistence.

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