Barking schnauzer

by Deborah

My minature shnauzer barks a lot, we have just bought him a sound and vibration collar, when we put it on him he hid under the table and he was shakeing,we are afraid to put it on him again. Please can you help! He is well trained otherwise. 20 months old.

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Nov 01, 2012
Good training or Good luck?
by: Anonymous

When he was a puppy, I used to allow my guy to bark a little bit, and then give the command 'no more barking', holding his mouth closed (gently), then gave him a treat.
He learned the voice command quickly, and never became an excessive barker.

Oct 29, 2012
by: Barking schnauzer

Thankyou Rodney.

Oct 24, 2012
barking schnauzer
by: rodney

it is the nature of the dog to bark a lot,

go to pet store and get
a dog whistle

and use it whenever dog is barking

inappropriately. Be advised this

breed is a very good watchdog and will

always protect its owner

Oct 24, 2012
by: Lucy Valentine

My dog barks like an alarm when she sees folks outside our house like a random visitor. She does not bark among a crowd of people or if people are socializing. Have you socialized your dog and allowed him to hang out with different people and other dogs when you're not around?

Oct 24, 2012
Vocal Schnauzer
by: Michele

I have 2 Minis, as you probably have seen all my photos of 4 year old Rebel and 6 month old Benji.. the Schnauzer is a very vocal dog, mine are, especially Benji, but I knew this before and have had 2 previously.. they love to be heard.. I've never put, or heard of, a sound and vibration collar, nor has my vet heard of them either.. are they Electric ?.. or Citrus spray... I have and never will use one on my boys.. Schnauzers speak and communicate, so barking is their way of doing this.. my advice to you is when he barks, make a game of it and tell him to speak, then reward him, but be patient as he will get the hang of it eventually.. the breed is very intelligent and one says that they have the brains if a human and think for themselves.
Good Luck and lets know if my suggestion works.. it works for me with both Rebel and Benji.. Sometimes I point a finger at Benji and say SHUSH.. that works sometimes.. !!

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