Barking / growling at strangers for no reason

by Chris
(Northborough, MA)

Any ideas to address this issue?

I can sit on my deck and he growls at sounds. We walk and he growls and lunges in a prancing kinda way at strangers.

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Aug 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

Our 7 yr old mini has always done this with me. Much less so with my husband. The vet told me that minis tend to be overprotective of their loved ones.
Doesn't do it as much with my husband because she thinks of him as the leader of the pack.
What vet suggested, and it seems to work, (most of the time) is for me to reach down, give her a pat of the head and tell her everything is OK.

Aug 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

Yes my 8 month mini does the same thing. I think its programmed in her DNA. When there's a crowd of people she's fine.

I hope she grows out of this.

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