8 year old Mini schnauzer has started pooping in the house

by Ashley
(Alabama )

Cash, Just turned 8 on 6/10/18. I have had him since he was 6 months old. Hes had his accidents over the years but recently has began pooping several times a day / night even with multiple times outside. there have been no dietary changes, no new stress or jobs ( J work nights and my husband works days... always someone here w him) there is no belly distention, bowel sounds are normal (I'm a nurse) and I can't understand what is going on.
Please help. we are probably headed to the vet this morning....

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Jun 21, 2018
by: Linda

Sorry, we can't really help you, Ashley., We get quite a few people with similar issues coming on to the website, but there are so many different reasons.
It sounds like it is behavioural which, if it is, you have to start housetraining back from the beginning - treats, taking him out of the house regularly, strong words and straight outside if you catch him in the house, or a loud AAACHH!!! or NO!!!! sound (no hitting).
I would be very interested to hear what your vet said. If you have time, please share it.
Good luck,
PS Love the photo...butter wouldn't melt in his mouth!

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