7 yr old mini throwing up after waking up and jumping off bed at night.

by Cyndi
(Pennsylvania )

At least twice a month my 7 year old mini Watson wakes up and jumps off The bed and throws up. Usually it's food but sometimes white phlegm afterwords. Why does he do this? He has no other issues or problems and seems fine afterwards.

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Apr 26, 2016
White foam...
by: Kevin Panting

Buddy has done this from time-to-time. Our vet said that we should make sure that he has "something" to eat before bed. Once we started doing this, we haven't seen him doing it. Don't know if this helps. Good luck.

Apr 25, 2016
throwing up
by: Linda and Max

Not sure. Dogs do eat grass to make themselves sick and throw up - often phlegm - from time to time.
If you took Watson to the vet, he would probably do lots of tests and it could be a waste of time and money.
Press gently around your dog's body and abdomen to see if he is in any pain. If the vomiting increases, then I would get him checked out.
sorry we can't be more helpful.

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