4 yr old mini schnauzer suddenly started scratching at her beard rubbing it on everything

by Linda Eason

Our baby girl yesterday afternoon started rubbing her beard and mouth on everything.....hasseling constantly......she ate last night but began just running around whinnying ,
She would lay down for a few minutes get up and rub her beard she lays her mouth in your hand wanting you to rub it. I have checked her mouth no sores gums look pink not red her teeth look fine. She has not slept more tha maybe ten minutes, she can't get settled, she is constantly moving. At 3am I finally gave her some children's Benadryl. She has finally settled down for a bit. What would make her suddenly act like this. Over the past 50 yrs we've been married we have owned three mini schnauzers and never had anything like this. We have been up all night with her. She has no temp. She just seems to be hot. I did notice her playing with something Thursday night thought it was some kind of tiny bug that got in the house but now I think it could have been a spider or something else that maybe bit her. Can a spider cause this? She does have food allergies and is highly allergic to ants she swelled really bad as a puppy when one bit her on the tummy. I would really appreciate any help or suggestions. It would be Monday before we can get to vet as it is fair time and vets are full today.
Thank you for your help....so thankful I found your site it's wonderful!

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Sep 16, 2014
by: Linda Eason

We took our Karli-Rae to the Vet and they said she had a spider bite...they gave her two shots, one which calmed her down so she could sleep.....
I now have an epi-pen they gave me to keep at home with the dosage for her...they told me that her throat was beginning to swell, so really glad we got her in.....
We took all the carpet out of our house two years ago as she was allergic to the nylon fibers....she does not go outside as I said she is paper trained....we also have a 4year old toy yorkie that has the same food allergies as
Karli-Rae so it works out well as for the food...
our babies are so very spoiled...they are only three months apart in age,Karli-Rae just turned 4yrs old on the 6th of Sept and Gracie-Mae will be 4 yrs on the 23rd of Nov, she was a gift from my husband's Doctor....Yorkie are a hoot! she runs the household, but Karli our schnauzer is our first love....nothing like their loyalty and love!
Thanks again, and keep up the Great work you do on this site!

Your friend,
Linda Eason & Karli-Rae
I really enjoy reading your site, it has been so helpful the things you can learn on here...no matter how much you think you know there is always something new on here!

NOTE FROM LINDA AND MAX: Thank you for your kind comments and great to hear that all is well again. :)

Sep 14, 2014
itching beard
by: Linda and Max

Hi linda, thanks for the kind comments about the site.
It sounds like allergies - Max has them and also rubs his beard (over the furniture if we can't catch him fast enough!) especially after he has eaten.
If you get her skin allergies under control, it should reduce the itching.
Are you using plastic bowls?If so, swap to stainless steel.
Here's some more info on skin allergies:
It definitely sounds like an increased sensitivity to something - either contact or environment allergy - or a flea bite or food. That's the trouble with allergies, they are hard to pinpoint.
If she continues to be so itchy, I'd get her to the vet - a steroid injection would solve it short term and then a course of treatment - there are some new, very effective allergy tablets on the market now. Ask about APOQUEL (oclacitinib maleate) tablet, coated [Zoetis Inc.] - Max is doing very well on it, only came out last year.

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