14 yr old Schnauzer male shaking, pacing, vulnerable, and breathing heavily and fast

by Cara
(Jerome Idaho)

My 14 yr old male Schnauzer has been restless, shaking, uncomfortable, whining, growling, pacing, up and down and has been breathing heavily seeming maybe a bit fast for about a month now but conditions have worsened within the last few days.I have also noticed he has a huge Schnauzer wart or bump on his front left leg that seems to bother and annoy hurt him that he tries to bite off and at constantly. I am concerned with this possibly being his last few days as he has been acting more abnormal. I am unsure of what I can do for him to become comfortable or help him in any way to calm down. Am not certain why or when this started becoming an issue. Does anyone have suggestions on what this could be caused from and what to do?? Any helpful information would be grateful.

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Feb 02, 2016
I agree
by: Anonymous

So much maybe going on, it's difficult to tell and so he needs veterinary investigations. It could be Thyroid or heart. It needs looking at asap.

Feb 02, 2016
by: Linda and Max

There are several different things going on here, but one thing is for sure, your little fellow is in some discomfort and/or pain.
The kindest thing you can do for him is get him to the vet ASAP, forget the cost, you owe that to him.
It could be he is entering the end stages of his life - and he has done well to last to 14 years, thank you for the photos, the old man looks lovely.
Or it could be something else, either way he needs a professional medical inspection from a vet.
Good luck.

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