11 year old schnauzer won’t eat his kibble (will eat treats), and had collapsed today

by Cass
(Ontario, Canada )

I have an 11 year old miniature schnauzer, he has always been healthy, and had a full appetite. Llatley he avoids his food, doesn’t get excited when we mention his dinner and simply will not eat anything other than treats and human food. I am glad he has an appetite at all, but I wish I knew how to get him to eat his dog food. I have tried soft food, i have tried mixing meat or treats into his kibble and nothing seems to help. Any ideas?

Also, today (he hadn’t eaten breakfast or dinner) he was laying out in the grass when our neighbours dog ran over, he got territorial as always got up and barked until the dog left. Then went back to lay down in the grass again and collapsed as though his legs gave out, he didn’t lose consciousness but was obviously shaken up at what happened. I have been monitoring him ever since, he has had a nap and is now in bed but you can imagine how horrified I am and all the many thoughts running through my mind.

I will be getting him to the vet as soon as possible to be checked out, but I would appreciate any advice. Thank you so so much!!

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May 28, 2018
Get him checked by the vet
by: Helen

Definitely get him checked out by the vet ASAP, our miniature schnauzer acted similarly to this, he was 12 years old and the vet said we he had experienced a mini stroke, it may not be the case and I do not want you to worry or panic but any bizarre behaviour like that suggests something the vet should investigate. I really hope everything goes okay at the vets.

May 27, 2018
The vet
by: Linda

Our only advice is to get him to the vet ASAP, which you have said you are doing. This is definitely the right thing.
Being off his food, lethargic and even collapse are all signs that something is amiss.
Hopefully it is something which can be managed successfully and he will go on to live a few more years.
Please let us know how you get on and what the cause is.
Good luck.

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