11 year old female acting oddly

by Crystal
(Ft. Worth, TX)

Belle has become very clingy. She also has been sleeping outside on the porch in 100 degree weather. At night she sometimes sleeps outside, which she has never done before.
If she does sleep with me... she plops down on my chest and will not move. No amount of coaxing makes her move.
We recently got a 3.5 lb teacup male yorkie. He is in her face and she does all she can to avoid him.
She had a tumor over her eye removed, and 11 teeth at the same time. It seems since that time, she hasn't really been herself.
I'm rather worried that possibly she is dying. I've had her to the vet and all they can find are bladder stones, so I've changed her food.
Any ideas?

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Sep 17, 2019
Belle...part 2
by: Crystal Pariseau

I would agree with you so I have been giving her lots more love. She also has been exhibiting these following oddities.
She hesitates about coming in through the pet door, or any door...she runs out of the yard and i4 or 5 houses down the street and ignores commands to come home, she sleeps really hard and when I have tried to move her she has nipped me. It just seems that since a recent surgery when she had a large growth above her eye and 11 minor teeth removed, she has changed and acts out. The vet doesn’t think anything is wrong. I’m wondering if she is losing her eyesight. Her hearing is good, as she can hear me shake the treat bag.
Maybe it is the puppy...but at night they sleep next to each other. Maybe I’m just a helicopter doggie mom.

NOTE FROM LINDA. she definitely seems less secure, maybe a combination of surgery AND the new dog. The other possibility is that she is in pain after the surgery. She could also be losing her sight, what a lot of possibilities! It’s not easy for you, but you sound like you are really trying with Belle. Poor girl. Ask the vet if she could still be in pain as her behaviour has changed. I wish you all the best.

Sep 17, 2019
Typical signs
by: Linda

Belle is feeling very sad because of you new arrival.
You need to give your old dog lots of time and attention on her Owen
Don’t let the new dog pester her. Make her feel special again.
You MUST make an effort to give her the peace and quiet and love and attention she has before you got a new dog
She feels lonely, left out and depressed.
Good luck.

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